Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Writting in Reverse

In our Government/Sociology class we had to write a story based on a picture taken by Bill Sullivan in his Turnstile Photography Project, so we had to chosse a picture and make a story in ending that story in how the person got into the turbstile or starting the sotry from that point. I chosse this picture...

Finally the morning that Ray was wating for 5 months, the day that the new album from the Yeah Yeah Yeahs was realesed. Ray is a college student majoring in computer enginnering, beacuse that is what he is best at, but his real pasion is music, he is always listening to music, when ever, whre wver, exept in school.
Ray's alarm sounded and quickly gets up and puts on his square blue shirt and gray pants for school. He only had 2 hours to buy the CD before school starts, so he puts on his clothes in secobds and quickly ran out the door. He started runing all desperate to the nearst Bestbuy, he arrive at the store but it opens in 15 minutes, out of breath he decided to wait. Very anxios he waited, seconds past by minutes and minutes like hours. Finally the amneger opens the store and Ray enters the store like a raging animal, and buys the CD. He desprettly opens it and puts it on his portable CD-player and starts jamming on his way to school, ont he sidewalk, at the bus stop, inside the bus at the subway station...

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