Monday, November 2, 2009

Food Project Post

1) Why do people choose to eat products that are unhealthy for them? (food stuffs)
Because they are good and/or cheap, also time is part of it, if people want some thing fast and cheap, people choose to go to a Jack in a Box or a McDonald's. People choose to eat cheap and save money rather than eat healthy. Normaly unhealthy food is good, everybody enjoys a bag of Flaming Hot Cheetos or Doritos, or a really sweet Hershey's bar. People don't choose to eat unhealthy, they eat unhealthy food because they are cheap, convenient and good.

2) What roles/responsibilities does the gov't have in framing your choice? (Should they be responsible for educating us? should they be responsible for managing all products we consume? GM included, plastic chemicals - poisonous additives)
The governments job, is for they citizens to have a good and safe life, but they are doing the oppiset thing, they only care about money, so instead of their people being healthy they allow certain cheap and unhealthy food to be on the market, so than the people never stop buying so that the government receive more money, is the government responsibility to regulate this products and educate us about this products, but is our responsibility to be healthy or not.

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